Q: What are Al-SIP’s? Find out here

Q: Are Al-SIP’s cost effective compared to traditional materials? Yes! Al-SIP’s panels maybe more expensive per m2 in material, but they take approximately 1/3 of the time to build compared to a similarly sized structure made from traditional framing and cladding. They are also much easier to handle and put together for the average DIY’er. With labour taken into consideration, Al-SIP’s are comparable to using traditional materials, however, they weigh around 5x less!

Q: If Al-SIP panels are so light, are they still strong? Yes, as with any SIP panel, the mechanics behind the construction is similar to that of an I-beam. When the panels are all joined together, they form a very strong structure.

Q: Why are Al-SIP panels around twice the cost of traditional steel skinned SIP panels? As a raw commodity, aluminium is around 2.5 - 3 times more expensive than steel. As scrap, aluminium is worth up to 7x more than steel! This is why aluminium skinned panels are more expensive than comparative steel skinned panels.

Q: Where are Al-SIP panels made? As aluminium skinned SIP panels are not readily available in NZ, the panels are directly imported from a reputable overseas manufacturer (not from China).

Q: What can I use Al-SIP panels for? They can be used for a variety of building projects where weight, ease of construction, corrosion resistance and other benefits are important. Check out some examples here.

Q: How are electrical and plumbing services installed when using Al-SIP’s? Installing services is relatively simple, it just requires some forethought before erecting panels. Electrical conduit is run in between panel joins by making a channel in the EPS foam core. A handy tool to make clean channels for the conduit can be found here. Conduit and wiring can be run through the base channel and under the floor. Plumbing is not advised to be run inside the panels and is best planned to come up through the floor of your structure (under kitchen cabinets for example) or externally through walls.

Q: Can you paint Al-SIP panels? Although panels are already painted in a pearl white color, it is possible to paint them using a suitable smooth surface primer/etch primer prior to applying the color coat. See a paint expert for advice.

Q: How do you cut Al-SIP panels? Al-SIP panels are easily cut with an aluminum blade fitted to a standard circular saw. Be sure to wear suitable eye, ear and protective clothing.

Q: How do you cut out doors and window openings? That depends on your project and the size of the windows and doors you are installing. Typically it is easier and more accurate to cut out window and door openings after you have a completed structure (walls and roof). This can be done using a circular saw. You obviously need to cut a door opening before you put your last wall panel up tho!