

Aluminium Saw Blade - The easiest and cleanest way to cut Al-SIP panels is with a suitable aluminium blade on a circular saw. The blade will easily cut through the aluminium skin(s) as well as the EPS foam core. Be sure to wear suitable eye and body protection to protect from aluminium shards.

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Rivet Gun for Drill - This is a very cheap and worthwhile investment. When you may have 1000+ rivets to fasten, you don’t want to be using a manual rivet gun…quite the workout. These very handy rivet guns fit into a cordless drill chuck and pull the rivet closed. Be careful to always reverse the drill after every rivet to eject the waste pin otherwise the unit will jam.

Foam Cutter with Sled - Another very useful investment if you are running electrical conduit for wiring between panels. The sled adapter allows you to easily and cleanly trench out the foam to make space for the conduit. Be careful not to inhale any fumes from the cutting of the EPS foam.